Mod Podge Project…

…for Graphic 45. Make sure to head over to Graphic 45 blog today to check out the project s Tara Orr and I created for a special Blog Hop. Here’s a sneak peek:


There is a full tutorial to make your own on the G45 blog. This would be a perfect compliment for the Jewelry Box we will be starting on Ustream tomorrow night (the pattern will be up later today)


UPDATE II:  Photos now showing on the G45 blog…


12 thoughts on “Mod Podge Project…”

  1. Hello!

    The photos of you necklace do not show on the Graphics blog and so I came to visit you to see them here – but they do not show here either except for the first one! I do not know why but hope to be able to view them at another time as the one photo shows that it is beautiful. Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  2. This is beautiful. Wonderful idea. Laura I still never received tag address tried to contact you with contact button on your blog twice and also through your email address on old blog. I decided to send them to the return address on my caravan kit I received. I sent them Express so hope they get there Friday or Mon. Sorry for being late.
    I think I will try this necklace idea for my 20 yr old daughter. She will love this. Another Christmas present . Thanks Penny

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