Spring Fairy House Sneak Peek

I made a lot of progress on the Spring Fairy House today! The exterior is nearly complete….ready to be furnished now. This project has been so fun and so rejuvenating. I have shown a few teaser peeks on Facebook but thought you would like to see the entire project as It is now. Still needs some further embellishment and the interiors done. It is coming out pretty much as I could see it in my mind last year when I started the fairy series….I so love that!

Spring Fairy 1 51414

Spring Fairy 2 51414

spring Fairy 3 51414

spring Fairy 4 51414

Spring Fairy 5 51414

Spring Fairy 6 51414

Move in ready! A mini album fits into the removable front Entry section

Spring Fairy 7 51414

Just needs the furniture!

Spring Fairy 8 51414


Thanks for stopping by for the peeks. More to come soon!



54 thoughts on “Spring Fairy House Sneak Peek”

  1. OMG – I so wanna live there. Can I? Can I? This is an amazing piece of work Laura. Your mind is such a pool of creativity to have imagined it and now created it. Gorgeous.

  2. Artsychik Jeanne

    Wow. It was 99 degrees here in Grants Pass, OR and I want to be in this cool fairy house and take a dip in that refreshing pool ontop. Laura….everytime I think you can’t amaze me more than the last time, you do it again. Thanks for proving me WRONG. This is just beyond words of wonderment. Thanks for your incredible mind and talent. I want some.
    LOL and HUGS.

  3. Laura I am always amazed at your skill. You would never know that the main ingredient of your wonderful fairy house is paper! Can’t wait to see your interiors fitted out. I love a pretty dolls house ……..a fairy dolls house is simply divine! How many big and little girls would love to own this. Inspiring! Hugs Helen x

  4. Papercraftsgallore

    WOW and WOW!!! So beyond worth the wait! Although I have to admit it is so good it is intimidating. Can’t wait! Thank you Laura!!!

    1. Papercraftsgallore

      I respectfully request extended sessions. There is SO MUCH detail here that I hope we get to see as much as possible in class. Thanks again Laura for sharing with us your God given extraordinary talent!

  5. I’m so glad you had fun doing this. What an amazing project. So detailed and beautiful. You are the Queen of Paper Architecture. Can’t wait to see the mini.

  6. mary peterson (kamp2500)

    WOW! Can not wait to start this project. Showed my husband the few pictures you posted on paper doodle and he said it looked larger then the other ones I was doing and wanted to know where I was going to put it. Needless to say, his bed is moving into the garage! Love it that much.

  7. Oh wow! That’s gorgeous, I just ordered it this morning with the mini add on it looks complicated now I’m nervous lol, but excited too!
    Can’t wait,won’t wait!

  8. Wow!!! This is so amazing and even more fantastic than I could have ever imagined!!!! Kylie and I are SOOOOOO excited to start this project…she asked me yesterday how long she thought it would take and if I thought we’d finish it before the end of summer! I think we can do much better than that with all your expert guidance. I just wanted to take a moment and again express my appreciation and support for all you offer to assist others with getting their creativity out in the world!!!! TY TY TY…

  9. Orlie Severson

    I can not believe how BEAUTIFUL this has turned out!!! You Rock Laura. I would love to be in your head when you come up with all these BEAUTIFUL projects.

  10. This is a marriage of papercrafting and miniatures! I’m one who loves miniaitures! It will be so much fun to watch you create this one. The miniature part makes it magical…

  11. Victoria Daniel

    Hi Laura
    i don’t know what to say, i love it so mach and i wish i have one for my self to live in it,i don’t need furniture i can do without them i will sleep on the floor. Thanks to you Laura and what you do for us,see you friday at 7:00PM

  12. Laura,

    I have only been watching your videos for a couple of months and I am totally addicted to your art. You have a God given talent and it is beautiful and I am always waiting to see what you come up with next. This house is awesome. Many thank for sharing.

  13. Wow that is amazing. I think your best one yet . Cant wait to see it being built. Wish I was making one. You are soooo talented. I love watching all of your video’s as well as you new Ustream shows. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

  14. This is pure GENIUS!! The details are amazing. I agree, this is probably your best one yet but that would be a hard comparison to make. I want to move in!! The windows and the ladders are so cute!

  15. Stoweawaymemories

    I’m always so amazed with what you come up with next, your talents blow me away how you can take basic things and turn them in to works of art. and allowing us to follow and put your own twist to make them our own is very generious, and I want to Thank you so very much, you true are a God sent to all of us. before I found you I closed off my scrapbook room because I found it boring, but since I found you I look forward to spending time in there, Thank you for making paper crafting fun again!

  16. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! This far surpasses any expectations I had invisioned. I am totally blown away Laura. The girls have been wanting a fairy house for over a year now – they love all the tinkerbell series videos and I know they are going to love this. I will probably have to order another kit so each one of them has one. I only hope that they will understand that it is not something that they can play with and will only be a decor piece for their bedrooms. LOL. But I know they are going to be doing back flips for this one. Thank you so much..

  17. WOW!! I can honestly say I’ve never seen the likes of this!! Beautiful doesn’t begin to describe it. I have a kit coming but have no idea if I can do this or not!!

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