These are my versions of Ukrainian Motanka dolls, originally posted on Instagram. These dolls are an incantation of female power and the inner call to protect the family. They are a traditional Ukrainian talisman of protection of a family. These dolls are traditionally made with no face, rather they have wrapped cord or thread. If a doll has a face it has potential to have a soul. Without a face there is no chance of a bad soul. The cross is woven and wrapped on the face with no stitching. These dolls should be made when you are in a positive mood to pass that along to the doll. That’s been hard to do given the current world situation.
I wish I could flood the world with millions of these dolls to protect all the Ukrainians in harms way.

A single doll:


A mother with children version:



Here are free downloadable templates to create these dolls. I will have a video by Friday. Click below to access printable/downloadable page.

Download Page A HERE

Download Page B HERE