WHoo Hoo!

I am so excited to get to continue on the Graphic 45 Design Team for the coming year. They are an amazing company to work with and I am honored to be among a group of very talented designers! Thank you to all of you for your support!


71 thoughts on “WHoo Hoo!”

  1. Congratulations hun, but I´m noot surprised either, and they would have lost their mind, if they had let you go. I toois soo looking forward to see, what you´ll create the next year too, but I´m sure, it´ll be just as awesome as this year.

  2. No surprise to me 🙂 Congrats Laura! You so deserve this and I can’t wait to see what you create for this term! One of my favorite companies and one of my favorite designers together again – sounds absolutely perfect!

  3. Never a doubt in my mind. They are lucky to have you, and so are we. Congrats. It’s a great group of very talented people. Looking forward to another great year. You are a creative genius and they provide fabulous collections. What a great duo!!!!!

  4. Laura – Congratulations! Graphic 45 made an excellent choice. You put so much effort into your creations. You definitely have inspired me, and others I’m sure, to purchase more G45 products to make (or try to make) your wonderful creations. Looking forward to another year of creativity!
    Sylvia in AZ

  5. Monica Carlton (aka: Monkala)

    I’m so happy for you! And very excited!! Another year of designing outstanding projects for Graphic 45! What an honor. Congratulations, Laura!

  6. we are all happy for you Laura.allthe things you do are just amazing,I don’t know how you find time to do all you do and still be an amazing wife and mother.You are phenominal!thank you so much for sharing your time and talents with all of us.

  7. Way To Go, Laura! I’m thrilled, not just for you and Graphic 45, but for myself. I love the fantastic creations you make with Graphic 45 products and I’m so happy more are on the way.
    Hope you get a second to celebrate this weeked.

  8. My good wishes seem to have went into the blogesphere ; ) Congrats to you again, not surprised. Any papercrafting company would be fools not to have you on their team! Looking forward to more inspiration from you.


  9. congrats laura! graphic 45 would have been out of their minds if you were not on their team—you have been so inspirational to so many people and a wonderful enabler (oops!) meant to say sponsor for any and all products from various companies. these companies should be so grateful.
    much aloha from hawaii~~~e

  10. Congratulation to the most awesome teacher, mentor and friend! Obviously, anything you do or put your hand to becomes golden! Your hard work and dedication shows so brightly through every one of your brilliant projects! I am so completely thrilled that you once again will be showing your true genius on the G45 Design Team. LET’S ROCK ‘EM LAURA! I CAN’T WAIT!! Jim

  11. Congrats Laura,
    They know talent when they see it. It would be pure crazy if they let you go.
    Can’t wait to see what your amazing mind comes up with for them.
    You are blessing us with your talent.
    Thank you,

  12. I just discovered your blog…found the link on TheGentlemanCrafter… and so glad I did! Your work is amazing and congratulations on making the G45 team. Hey…I live in Lynnwood…can I come down and learn from you??? LOL

  13. YAY!!! U + G45 = UNBELIEVABLE AWESOMENESS 🙂 You have such an incredible talent & Graphic 45 is soooooo lucky to have you contributing to their team! I can’t wait to see what amazing items your new partnership has in store for all of us faithful followers 🙂 hope to set some new projects with their new lines….I’ll have to start saving my $ for some kits. It just always seems you put them up when i’m out of $ for the month 🙁 will have to budget better for your lovelies!!! CONGRATULATIONS LAURA & GRAPHIC 45 !!!!!

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