…to another! It is now HOT here in the Seattle area. Three days ago we were hoping to break 60 degrees. Today we were over 90! Wasn’t there a happy medium available??!! Yesterday, I went out and bought an air conditioner for my studio so that I could work. Very few homes in this area have AC so it is a real treat for me! After the week I have been having, I needed a treat…more on that in a few…

Here’s my What’s Up Wednesday project for July 7, 2010. I almost didn’t have a project today but these popped into my brain at about 4:30 this afternoon and I had to try them!

PAPER FUCHSIA’S! I love Fuchsia’s… can’t keep them alive… but I LOVE them. Paper ones are just my speed! Here’s the video I posted on Youtube:

…and a Layout I made with the flowers from the video.

The photo is my Mom at age 2, my Grandmother, and my only aunt. This was taken in 1933 in Chicago. I LOVE my Mom’s bonnet!! My Aunt Jessie had the most beautiful green eyes. Even in this B & W photo you can see her lovely eyes!

I have a few things I want to clarify regarding giving, taking and copyrights…this subject has been heavy on my mind this week due to a situation that I have been dealing with since Sunday.
A couple of weeks ago, at the end of one of my Ustream shows we had a discussion about copyrights. Instead of making things clearer….I think I just muddied the water for many of you watching. I feel this to be the case because of some of the questions that have come my way. I don’t profess to be an expert or a lawyer on this subject, but I have done a bunch of research over the years in having to defend my copyright on some of my quilted purse patterns.

I LOVE to share my creative ideas…
I LOVE to see others get inspiration for their own work from my ideas…
I LOVE when someone tries something new by duplicating something I have taught either through a tutorial, class, or pattern.
I GIVE these ideas freely…

It perfectly acceptable to borrow or copy an idea that you see on Youtube, on a blog, or in a book or magazine…as long as it is for personal use. “Personal Use” means you are making something that you will use or give within your family and your circle of friends and aquaintences. You can make a video and share what you did with the world. You don’t HAVE to give design/inspiration credit but it is the right thing to do. It crosses the line into copyright infringement when you move it into a commercial realm.

Copyright infringement is when you TAKE the idea and use it for your own means.
When you copy and distribute a design, tutorial, or pattern without permission (whether it is for profit or not), you are TAKING. For example, you can’t copy something out of a book or magazine and give it out to everyone at a crop.
When you teach a class from something you found on the internet or book/magazine/pattern without the permission of the author/designer (even if it’s a free class), you are TAKING.
When you use someone’s design, tweek or change a few things, call it your own and sell either the finished product or the design without the permission of the author/designer, you are TAKING. A modification of a design is called a derivative and is covered under the original designer’s copyright. For example, you can’t take one of my patterns, change a couple of items for the inside, call it you own, write up a pattern, and sell the pattern on your blog. You are TAKING.

Sorry this post is so long…this subject had weighed heavily on me this week as I have been dealing with a couple of these situations. I also wanted to make a few clarifications. As I have noted, I am not an expert and these are just my opinions.
For some great info, here are two great links about copyrights and copyright myths. They are written in east to understand terms not legalese!
CLICK HERE for copyright info
CLICK HERE for copyright myths

When I GIVE an idea…I am energized…it is an incredible feeling!
When an idea is TAKEN, it infuses me with negativity. I feel awful when I have to pursue defending my rights to my OWN work. When someone TAKES from me, they TAKE a little piece of me….
I had many comments on how positively I handled my wallet being stolen. That situation, while difficult and stressful, wasn’t personal. The women didn’t know me or vice versa.
When an idea or design is TAKEN from me… it is personal…it is a tiny piece of me and who I am that I can never restore to what it was. I am changed.

Though asked frequently, I don’t KNOW where my ideas and designs come from…they just ARE…they just BECOME a PART OF ME…
