…you realize you are only Superman!!

As I sit here facing a couple of hundred emails, 3 1/2 pages of patterns to email out on Etsy, 3 patterns to write and a huge pile of kits to ship out, I realize I need to adjust the Ustream schedule again. I HATE when I do this, but circumstances this past month – while huge, exciting and I wouldn’t trade them for ANYHING! – have pushed me to my capacity. I have tried, but I realize I can’t get it all done in the time frame I had hoped…so I have revised the Ustream class schedule. We are still having a class this weekend…read on for more details…but I am moving the start of the Heritage album to the 18th /19th of this month and we will fit in the missed class into March. This will give all the international folks time to receive their kits and EVERYONE who ordered a kit or pattern will receive them in plenty of time for class as well. I don’t have Part 1 of the pattern done yet (a big part of the reason to move the classs), I will finish it over the weekend. Here is the February schedule:

Feb 4/5: A few more Love Notes Postcards and CHA giveaways (SURPRISE!!). We were able to get a few things to give away. Log in to the chat to be in the running for the prizes….both days!

Feb 11/12: Love Notes Valentine Box. (I will put the kits up later today)

Feb 18/19: Heritage Album Part One

Feb 25/26: Flora Fauna Album

I am working towards having time and flexiablity built into the schedule so the unknowns (..and there will be more) don’t throw the schedule out of whack so much. I have some awesome projects planned!!! …..and yes, I will have modified versions of the CHA projects coming up….eventually!

Tomorrow I will post more about CHA…I am bummed to have lost most of the photo’s I took as they are on my phone, but I have a few. I am off to go get a new phone….feeling a bit in the dark without one….
