Here’s the completed Donna’s Bookstore…I still want to add a few details to the outside and work on the mini for inside. I will be working on the Garden Shoppe this evening and tomorrow. It is the same structure except for the windows and doors will be open to the inside wall with flats of plants and flowers in the openings. I think this is my favorite building yet!









I have sent out an email to all who hold Maple Street Ongoing Reservations with info for selecting and purchasing your kit(s). We will be using the passcode access to purchase the reserved kits. This will allow you to pay for you kit tor kits just like other kits and also receive the pattern and any revisions in your account, when it is available, rather than receiving it via email. Please see the Project Status Tab for the date when the ala Carte kits and Teddy Bear Kits will be available.
