Early this morning, Sarah was up and complaining of abdominal pain…for the second morning in a row. Miraculously, I was able to get a morning appointment at the pediatrician! So, at 8:50 am we left the house. After an xray, a blood test, and a urinalysis, the doctor sent us off to Children’s Hospital for further tests. He suspected possible appendicitis. After more tests and an IV (THAT was not fun! Sarah has my little veins and had to be poked several times to get it in….what a trooper!) it was finally determined that she has a bladder infection. WHEW! I had visions of my poor baby having surgery tonight, so a UT infection was almost a relief! We finally got home at 7:30 pm…

Even with all the poking and prodding, she still had a smile on her face!

I had planned to spend today on the Bats in the Belfrey/Silver Bells pattern but….kids trump work as I told Sarah. So, I will be posting it on Etsy on Saturday rather than tomorrow. The kits will still go out tomorrow. I was also planning to get the Pink Mini info up today and will try to do that in the morning. Now I’ve got to plow through the 57 emails I received today…..
