The morning has just begun and I already feel I am well into a race with the clock! So much to get done in just a short time. Summer CHA (or Craft and Connect as they are now calling it) is just a few days away. Boatloads to do before I leave next Sunday…

First up, As I mentioned on Ustream, the kits for the Pick Pocket 2 project go up today, July 13, at 2pm PDT. We will be starting this project on Ustream on July 26, just after I get back from CHA. Kits WILL ship before I leave. I will post photos of the sample here on my blog laer today before they are up on the website.

Also as mentioned on Ustream, Reservations (my version of pre-orders) are being taken for the Autumn Fairy House. I need an idea of how much product I need to order at CHA. Those who make reservations in advance will receive some special goodies that won’t be in the kits ordered after reservations are over. I won’t have a sample to show you yet….you will need to go on faith with me on this one….but I will be using Bo Bunny’s new Autumn Song collection. This is the perfect paper for what I can see in my head for this one, rich, lush and autumnal…LOVE IT! I will begin taking Reservations for the Autumn Fairy House on Monday, July 15th at 10 am PDT. By making a Reservation, you guarantee you will get one of the kits and the price will be lock in. The limited number of kits available after the resevation period may be priced higher and won’t have the extra goodies.

To make your Reservation, go to my website to order your reserved kit just as you would any other kit. I will be sending out an email that confirms that  your Reservation has been received within 24 hours. Kits are expected to be around $75 +/-.

Gotta keep workin’….

Have a GREAT weekend!!
