I have been flooded with emails from those who have NOT received the Sewing/Jewelry Box pattern. Those who ordered the kit prior to April 26 should have received the pattern via email on April 27 (those who ordered after April 26 got their pattern via immediate download)I am not sure why so many did not receive the pattern. Rather than having you all email me if you didn’t receive the pattern I will be resending it out to those who should have received it last week. My apologies if you receive a duplicate.

Also, one of the items needed to make the box has been backordered and I will not receive it in time to ship the kits today as anticipated. The delay should only be a day or two but, rather than have many of you receive your kit after the class, I have decided to delay the Sewing/Jewelry class a week by moving the Heritage Part 5 class up week and moving the Sewing/Jewelry Box class class back a week. See the schedule on the side bar for dates and times. There are still a limited number of kits available on the website.

I am also working on the projects for this Friday and the NSD class on Saturday and will post more details later today.
