Oh, I have sooo missed all my scrappy friends this week! Thank you all so much for your concern and prayers!! First things first! Mom is doing well! After a few scary days and about a squillion tests they determined that her colon cancer had NOT returned as we had all feared, but rather she had developed a bleeding ulcer! Serious but treatable! Whew! She also has a touch of pneumonia. Her blood numbers were so low that she needed 3 blood transfusions to get things into the normal range. (It seemed like they were taking out almost as much as they put in!!) They were also concerned about her heart due to the low blood numbers. When your numbers are that low, the heart has to work significantly harder and that can lead to severe heart complications. But, alas, she is now back to her feisty self. They are adjusting her meds … she has severe arthritis and takes a fistful every day … they think that the meds are the cause of the ulcer, so adjustments are needed. Again, thank you all for your concern and prayers, it helped a lot!! (This photo is from Mother’s Day this year)

On a happier note, in the midst if all of this with Mom, I had a booth at a large, local quilting/craft festival. It went very well, only about 10-15% less than last year due to the economy. After 4 nights of 3-4 hours of sleep and 4 days of standing on concrete floors, I feel like I have been hit by several large semi’s! I had a tryptic of angels that did very well (you can check them out on my quilting blog: http://lauradenisondesigns.blogspot.com) My studio is scary looking….I can’t even get close to my scrap table! I’m teaching a quilt class today (what was I thinking when I scheduled that!) and then I am digging out. I will get the pink mini info out in the next day or two and get working on all the trades and tutorials I have on the docket. Plus, I have some new kits that are almost ready.

Mach 10 with my hair on fire as usual!!!

Love and hugs to all!!!